Emeritus Faculty

Gratitude Header

A Debt of Gratitude

The School of Music and Dance wishes to honor its renowned emeritus faculty and musical geniuses who have greatly influenced the School's success, both as an institution of education and a source of community outreach.

Distinguished Individuals Who Have Passed

In Memoriam

Lou Harrison

Renowned American composer who served as composer-in-residence for 菠菜网lol正规平台 during the 1960's.

Harry Partch

Bay Area composer and instrument inventor largely known for his use of microtonal scales and unique handmade instruments.

Irene Dalis

Opera singer and the founding director of the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Opera Theater and Opera San José.

Frank Sumares

Prominent Bay Area Jazz Instructor and Performer

William B. George

Professor of French Horn, Music History

John Delevoryas

Professor of Piano

Allen Strange

Professor, Electronic Music

Gus Lease

Vocalist, Choral Director, General Music Educator

Rebecca Herrold

Professor, Music Education

Dwight Cannon

Professor, Chair, Jazz Studies

Roger Muzzy


Vernon Reed

Professor, Director of Bands

Robert Sayre

Professor, Cello and Conductor


Other Faculty Emeriti

Other Emeriti

Galen Lemmon

Percussion Area Coordinator

Janet Averett

Professor of Music, Woodwind Coordinator, Clarinet

Scott Pierson

Director of the Spartan Marching Band

Dr. Edward C. Harris

Professor of Music, Director of the School of Music and Dance, Conducting, Director of Bands

Brent Heisinger

Professor of Music, Composition

Robert Cowden

Professor of Music, Musicologist

Joseph Frank

Professor of Voice, Metropolitan Opera Tenor

Janie Scott

Professor of Dance, Broadway Veteran

Dr. Charlene Archibeque

Director of Choral Activities, First Woman to Hold a Doctorate in Conducting

Janet VanSwoll

Associate Professor and Coordinator of Dance

Joan Stubbe

General Music, Music Skills

Brian Belet

Professor of Music Theory, Composition

Fred Mathews

Professor of Dance, Director of the Dance Program

Gary Masters

Professor of Dance, Director of UDT

Daniel Wyman

Professor of Music, Composition

William Meredith

Professor, Musicology, Beethoven Center

David Rohrbaugh

Professor, Conducting, Opera Theater

Sharon Brook

Collaborative Piano

Aiko Onishi

Professor, Chair, Piano